
There are a large number of bridges which support bridging various tokens to the Fantom Opera network. We will be discussing two methods of bridging, the custodial method and a liquidity based approach. The difference for users comes whether there is the need to check for liquidity at the bridging endpoint.

Bridge Aggregator

Bridge Aggregator finds multiple pathways to move funds between blockchains while minimizing cost. It uses a combination of the below bridges:

Custodial Bridges

Custodial bridges lock original tokens in their source networks and mint 1:1 copies on the Fantom Opera network. Some custodial bridges which we can recommend our users to use are are:

Liquidity Based Bridges

Liquidity based bridge enable token bridging by owning or maintaining a pool of tokens which users are effectively conducting cross-chain swaps on. Some recommended liquidity based bridges are:

Before bridging with liquidity based bridges, please ensure that liquidity is available at your destination network

Please ensure that you double check your bridging addresses, destination networks and bridging fees prior to bridging!

Last updated